

Today's error is brought to you by Twitter and @BreakingNews

"BNO News confirms that the wildly popular cast for clunkers program will be brought to an end at 8 p.m. EDT on Monday."

So, what is this cast for clunkers? Cast of a movie? Cast iron? hmmmm


Great Friends and great times

Well, it's Thursday. If you read the post previous to this one you can understand the week we've had...a great one. To explain, Monday sucked, but by Monday night we decided that it was time to get back into routine so it was off to Mystery Beer Monday. Everyone was there and smiling, we laughed and socialized and life was good. Tuesday brought on a geo cache night full of caches and joy. Wednesday, yet another geocache night! Really, HD and I are on to the next step, trying again!

All through the week we gotten kind messages, flowers and I even got a pack of oreos and a half gallon of milk AT WORK! To all of this we say thank you, it's always nice to see your friends step up when you need them.


Our miscarriage

One week ago we took 3 home pregnancy tests and got 3 positive results. The doctors agreed we were pregnant. It was the best seven days of our lives and now this morning (Monday) things weren't right when HD woke up. We went to the ER.....They poked and prodded and did what they do. The took blood and tested for the pregnancy hormone, at five weeks she should have been over 1000, the result was 27. HD goes back in on Wednesday to run the blood work again to confirm that the hormone level is decreasing and that we had a miscarriage. At home we took another test and this time it came back negative.

We really didn't want to tell people about our pregnancy since it was so early on but this past weekend was Western Days in Chatfield and it would have been impossible to hide all the tell-tale signs such as not drinking, being overly cautious on food choices etc.....Personally I don't like the idea of telling people until you have seen that first ultrasound with your own two eyes.

This sucks, we know you are all sorry. HD has begged that nobody calls/contacts her with the "I just heard you pregnant, I'm so excited" so we need your help to spread the gloomy news.

Thank you for you thoughts, kind words etc...


Today's Internet Error...

And today's winner is.................... Facebook! The quiz entitled "what were you born to do?"

Look at option #3 - Organise a speech - how does one organise?