
So what, yeah I've been gone. Wanna fight about it?

Ok, so I realize that I have neglacted my blog for over a year, get over it. The real point at hand is "what made him start again? What will his first post be about?" Here goes:

Backstory - I have switched jobs and am now titled "Technology-Based Communication Coordinator" for Workforce Development Inc. (http://www.workforcedevelopmentinc.org/) and spend a lot of my day on the internet reading different things about a variety of subjects. (a more in depth post to come later) Now I have never claimed to be a great speller but at least if I know the public has a chance of reading what I write I will attempt to proofread a little bit. You wouldn't believe all the simple spelling errors I'm seeing! These people are professionals with massive followings, they have an image and are paid more than I will see in quite a while to fly around the country and give presentations on how to be a part of mass media. So, as a running feature on this blog I will be posting errors I find - public humilation if you will. Feel free to send me any you see too.

Today's post - Facebooks' "When will you die in a horror movie" quiz. I apparently will die in the middle of the movie when the "bood" starts moving. Line 5 in the pic. Come on, really?

So, there it is, the much wondered about first post back. Stay tuned as I will bring details on why I switched jobs, our house we bought in September, our new dog and other interesting things.


1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to the blogosphere. I have been mulling over creating a site about the mistakes I find in my research as well. You just might inspire me to do it.

    It's kind of funny that your last post was about making someone cry. It makes it look like you were banned from your blog for being bad.
